Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
This Sunday, September 19th we are so excited to see so many of you in person and to continue to welcome many of you on Zoom. We move forward changed people – because the last 18 months have changed us individually and as a worshipping community and we have begun to reflect on our need to heal and how God’s love factors into that process.
We have journeyed and continue to journey together through this pandemic, through the election, through the fight for racial and economic justice, through our support of the families at PS 15, through the birth of babies, through weddings, through separations, through job losses and transitions, through remote schooling, through moves, through birthdays and anniversaries, through the illnesses and deaths of beloved family members and friends. When you see each other in person this Sunday, know that you look into the eyes of your brother or sister, that person too has changed, just like you have.
We come from people who know what it is to journey: from Moses and the Israelites to Joseph and Mary to Jesus and his disciples. And just as it was for them, God has been here with us, even in those moments when we haven’t felt God’s presence, or have been disappointed or have been too tired. We too have been here for each other, we have loved each other, prayed for each other and learned to be Christian community in a much deeper way. Let us take this learning forward with us – to connect with, care for and love each other as Jesus continues to teach us.
In peace with love,
The Mothers
Please see the Zoom & In-Person guidelines below for each of the services:
This Little Light @ 8:30am - A service for children 0-5 with their families
Weather permitting we will continue to worship on the lawn. We are requiring that all people over the age of 2 wear a mask in order to ensure the safety of all present. RSVPs are no longer necessary and the bathrooms are open. Get ready to dance & sing!
Please bring:
A mask to wear;
A blanket to sit on;
Instruments and
A joyful spirit of participation!
If you or your child are feverish, coughing, sneezing, achy or sick in any way, please stay home. Err on the side of caution. We are here every weekend, missing one service is OK.
Main Service @ 10am in person & on Zoom
The Sanctuary:
Opens 10 minutes before the service;
There are two hand sanitizing dispensers at the entrance of the church;
Masks are available for folks who do not bring their own;
All windows will be open;
The fan will be on;
Seats are placed at least 3 feet from each other. Please do not move them.
In Person:
We have room for 65 people in the church.
Doors open: Folks will be allowed in the church 10 minutes prior to the service. We know folks are excited to be here, but we want to limit the amount of time we are indoors.
Masks: All persons inside the church building are required to wear a mask at all times, included while singing.
Seats: We are excited about our new padded, super comfy cathedral chairs! Seats are spaced at least 3 feet apart. We ask that you do not move them.
Pews: If you are a family unit or couple coming, we have reserved pews for you all to sit together. We ask that individuals allow families and couples to sit in the pews.
Bulletins: We will have printed bulletins with all of the music, readings and prayers. If you are coming with someone and can share, that would be great.
Singing: Singing is permitted.
Communion: Communion in one kind (the bread) will be distributed to all who want to receive. Parishioners will remain in their seats and the clergy will come to them.
The Passing of the Peace: In the past, the passing of the peace has been a raucous joyful time in the church. For now, we will be passing the peace from our seats, with no physical contact (no hugging or hand shaking) and move quickly to the offertory.
The Offering: While most folks now give online, if you wish to give in person there will be an offering plate near the doors of the church. We will not be passing an offering plate.
Exiting the Church: We ask that folks not stay in the church after the service. Please be patient and let the folks in front of you leave so we don’t congregate by the doors.
Bathrooms: Our bathrooms are now all unisex. What was the women’s bathroom is open to all and also functions as a family bathroom with a changing table.
Stairs: If you need to access the bathrooms downstairs, please use the stairs near the entry to the church. The stairs near the organ will not be accessible for use.
Food & Drink in Church: Because we are keeping our masks on at all times, there is no food and drink allowed in church, even for our youngest friends. If your child needs a drink of water or a snack, please bring them outside.
If you are not feeling well, please choose to stay home and join us on Zoom. We continue to put the wellbeing of everyone at the center of what we are doing.
The Zoom:
We are really excited to let folks know that our Zoom run through this week went really well! We have a great microphone that picks up the music, the readings and you will get to see Deacon John, The Mothers, Saya, the readers and the Choir. Deacon John will be welcoming you to the Zoom and hopefully as other folks enter the sanctuary, they will get a chance to say ‘hello.’ The service will feel different because it is the service of Holy Communion, whereas we have been doing Morning Prayer. The first part, The Liturgy of the Word will look and feel most like Morning Prayer and include all of the readings, the Prayers of the People, the Sermon and some hymns. You are welcome to stay for the whole service but also want to say that if you choose to leave after the peace before The Holy Communion begins, that is ok.
You will receive a weekly Zoom link and link to the bulletin;
We recommend you print the bulletin out so you can follow along;
Deacon John will share the lyrics to hymns and prayers;
We encourage you to type your prayers into the chat during the Prayers of the People and Deacon John will share them with the congregation;
We want your feedback! Please let us know how you are experiencing the Zoom moving forward.
If any of you have questions about our protocols or there is something we have not addressed, please be in touch with us. We have tried to cover all the bases but we may have missed something that is important to you so please let us know. You can contact us here.