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Virtual Meetings - Week of March 15, 2020

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Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

As we come to the end of the day, we reflect on how grateful we are to have been together in spirt for worship. Technology is imperfect, but it offers an opportunity to continue connecting during these difficult times.  If you missed worship today, our sermon is on the website, and both services are still on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/holyapostlesbrooklyn/).   How fun it was to pass the peace as we did!

This week we will begin our virtual meetings. The meetings will all take place on Zoom. If you haven’t done a Zoom Meeting before—that’s okay. You can use a computer, iPad, smart phone or you can just call in with a regular telephone. If you are nervous or want to do a practice meeting—call or email us. We can make it work. 

Listed below are the meetings, the day of the week and the time.  Some of them you can join just by clicking the link online. Others you need to email us.  We look forward to being together this week. And please email or call to be in touch to let us know how you are doing.  

Monday 7pm No Other Gods Group 7pm– this group is full

Monday 9pm Compline– Service can be found on page 127 in the Book of Common Prayer, with the app the eCP, or use this attachment.  Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/948567461.  Or call in (646) 876-9923 Meeting ID: 948 567 461

Tuesday 7:30pm No Other Gods Group  Contact the Mothers if you wish to join this group.

Wednesday 7:30am Contemplative Prayer– Please have a bible on hand. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/444291880. Or call in (646) 876-9923 Meeting ID: 444 291 880.

Thursday 8pm No Other Gods Group- Contact the Mothers if you wish to join this group.

Friday 9pm Compline– Service can be found on page 127 in the Book of Common Prayer, with the app the eCP, or use this attachment.  Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/346354914. Or call in (646) 876-9923 Meeting ID: 346 354 914.

Guide us waking, O Lord, and guard us sleeping; that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep we may rest in peace. Amen.


The Mothers


Virtual Church during COVID-19

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way  and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Psalm 46

Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ,

We are in the midst of rapid change, a lot of uncertainty and heightened fear.  With the common good in mind, and for the foreseeable future, we will be conducting church virtually. There will be no church gatherings in the church, and all of our small groups and prayer groups will be conducted virtually as well, including choir. Choir members will be hearing from Saya in the next day about virtual rehearsals.  Small group members will be hearing from their small group leader directly about virtual meetings. 

We will live stream through Facebook Live from the Church of the Holy Apostles FB page with a link from the homepage of our website www.holyapostlesbrooklyn.com .  The weekly bulletin will be posted on our website homepage as well so that we can all follow along - hymns will be included!  

Our Schedule is as follows:
9:15am: This Little Light
10am: Sunday Liturgy

PLEASE NOTE: We have moved up This Little Light to 9:15.

There will be questions over the coming weeks about Easter. We are taking this week to week and will be in regular touch with you. We ask you to be in touch with us as well and with each other. Make a commitment to be in touch with one or two people from church each week, checking in on them. Isolation is a real risk in the coming weeks - if you need someone's contact information, please email us. Our strength as a community is shown forth how we care and love each other, especially in times like these. We cannot forget that Jesus told us to love our neighbors and to help others the best we can.  

We will be together in person again soon friends.  And in the meantime, join us at 9:15 or 10am Sunday through Facebook live. Carve that time out for yourself and your spiritual well-being. 

We remain steadfast and faithful in the midst of chaos and fear.  God is our refuge.

A parting piece of advice - none of us will regret being too cautious.  Please be cautious.

Do not hesitate to reach out to us and request a prayer or a call. Click here if you have a prayer request. 

If you do not have Facebook, but would like to participate on Sunday, please email us and we will help you set it up.  As long as you have a computer, smartphone or iPad,  you will be able to set up Facebook.

In peace with love,

The Mothers


Staying Safe, Informed, and Caring for Each Other (Coronavirus)

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
For good reason, there is a lot of concern, and for many a great deal of fear, in regards to COVID-19/Coronavirus.  As we said yesterday in church, we will not succumb to fear, but we WILL act smartly and use precautions.   
We live in NYC, and that means most of us are required to use public transportation, we have children in school, we are going to work - we are in constant contact with other people.  Just living our regular day to day lives right now can bring on a lot of fear - and it is hard in the midst of so much fear - it takes a toll on us. We want to urge you to be in touch with us if you find yourself overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, we are here for you for pastoral counseling, even if it is not in person.
We want to encourage everyone to remember that we have each other - and that this is one of the great moments for technology - that we can check in with each other and support each other in a variety of ways.  It is a moment for us as Christians to be good neighbors and check in on people who we know are already isolated and maybe feeling more so now.  Don't hesitate to be in touch with others via phone, FaceTime, Skype. 
The precautions we are taking at Holy Apostles:
  • As of March 8, 2020, communion will be distributed in one kind only - that is the bread, no longer distributed at the communion rail, but standing up.
  • The pews will be wiped down weekly using disinfectant wipes, immediately following the service.
  • We will no longer hold hands during the Lord's Prayer, shake hands or hug during the peace.
The precautions we are asking you to take:
  • If you are feeling ill, have a fever or a cough, please stay home.
  • If you have traveled to an infected area, or have come in contact with people who are under quarantine, please consult health officials.
  • Wash your hands regularly, do not touch your face (eyes, nose, mouth) & use hand sanitizer.
Communication during this time is incredibly important. We will continue to be in touch with you all, check in and keep you up to date with what we are doing. 
In peace,
The Mothers

