Holy Week through the Sunday After Easter
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
This Sunday marks one year since we have been in the Church for worship. Our community bonds have strengthened in many ways over these 12 months, and that is truly a wondrous gift from God in the midst of all of the loss. We know virtual church, virtual gathering, virtual everything doesn't work for some of us. We know this and hold this, knowing that this is not permanent, but like the Israelites time in the desert, a moment in our history, one that we will be able to look back on in reflection.
As we approach Holy Week and Easter we will continue to worship together on Zoom and we have been planning for safe ways for us to be together in person at other moments. In addition to continued social distancing measures, our church building is in the midst of a glorious renovation, rendering the space unusable for a couple more months. The renovation, like the Resurrection, reminds us of the hope in the world - that even in the midst of chaos, exists. We have 3 opportunities for in-person celebrations: Procession of the Palms on Palm Sunday (March 28), a re-imagined Easter Vigil with FIRE (April 3), Coffee Hour to Go & Easter Egg hunt for toddlers (April 11).
We want to share with you our schedule for Holy Week through the Sunday after Easter. You may be asking, why are we doing Coffee Hour to Go and the Easter Egg hunt for our littlest ones on the Sunday AFTER Easter, April 11, instead of Easter Day? That is a great question! In consultation with the Bishop's Committee, we all felt that the week after Easter Day, which is still Easter, would be an easier day for all folks involved in planning, to come together to celebrate the joy of the Resurrection. We are excited to see many of you there! We will ask folks the week before to sign up.
In peace with love,
The Mothers
Holy Week Through the Sunday after Easter Schedule
- Palm Sunday
- 10am Zoom Service
- 12noon Procession of the Palm (meet in front of the Church)
- Maundy Thursday (Service Bulletin)
- 5pm Agape Meal Zoom (more info to come)
- 7:30pm Zoom service with at home foot washing
- Good Friday (Service Bulletin)
- 12noon Zoom service
- Easter Vigil - reimagined
- 8pm in person with Eucharist
- Easter Day
- 10am Zoom
- 1st Sunday of Easter (Service Bulletin)
- 10am Zoom
- 11am This Little Light & Easter Egg Hunt for small children 5 and under
- 11:30am Coffee Hour to Go at church