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Advent Daily Reflection 2020-12-03

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John 1.6-9

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.

The first thing I noticed is that light comes through hearing from a witness, someone telling us. The author is careful to tell us the witness was not the light, but a witness to it. The witness is a human, an “earthly” creature, like us. God uses this witness to point us in his direction.

I also noticed legal words like witness and testify were used. Those make me think of how a witness must be very careful to tell the truth and not take this job lightly, that words are important.

Jesus is called the true light, the Savior that was coming into the world. Light is a rich metaphor because in light there is truth, brightness, knowledge and beauty. We have a house in rural Pennsylvania and the times we have remembered to go out to look at a clear night sky, it is magnificent. The sky is completely covered with twinkling stars; lights shining in darkness. Those stars are always up there whether or not we take the time to notice them. Maybe the problem is that I fail to see how great the light actually is. It takes an awe-inspiring night sky to remind me. When we stare at God’s beauty, taking the time; we are moved and enlightened. Then we can be a witness and tell someone about it.

Posted by Laura Tyszka
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