Our Staff
Who’s Who at Holy Apostles and How to Reach Us
Mother Sarah Kooperkamp
Mother Kimberlee Auletta |
Since January 2017, Holy Apostles has been served by priests Mother Sarah & Mother Kimberlee who have entered into a covenant of shared leadership as Co-Rectors. They pray together and work together for the good of God’s Kingdom.
Office Number 718-871-1615
Office Hours 9:00 am-3:00 pm Tues-Wed-Thurs & By Appointment
Kevin Devine, Director of Music
Kevin Devine joined us in October 2023, bringing his open spirit of collaboration and joy in making music in a faith community.
The role of the Vestry is financial oversight of the church, and to work as partners regarding the life of the parish. If you have questions or concerns, you are encouraged to speak with the Mothers, but you can always speak to a member of the Vestry or email the wardens.
Peter Saghir
Ann Mellow
Members at large
Audrey Whitworth
Chelsea Haynes
Emily Hursh
James Topping
Karan Merry
Zach Parkman